28. Toughest challenge yet, Natto

Imagine, dried balls of vomit covered in snot, you might get close to the smell of Natto. Since hearing about it and how bad it smelt, I thought I had to at least smell, if not eat, this goop. Well, I got my chance.
I took some from the hotel's buffet breakfast to try in the hotel room. Given what I had heard, I thought that having a bathroom nearby might not be such a bad move.
Well, upon opening, it stinks, stinks bad. Upon further smell, it is more like sour milk. The smell is dreadful, prodding with my fingers was pretty bad too since it stirred up more of the smell. Only one thing left to do, eat it. I tried a very small amount, it tastes better than it smells, but I still gagged. I decided after that, there was only one sensible thing to do, flush the rest down the loo.
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